Monthly activities and events to connect women in the Revelstoke community

About the Moving Forward Program

Moving Forward is an important social outlet that connects women living in the transition home (and previous clients as after-stay support) with other women in the community.

The coordinator mentors women transitioning from an abusive and/or isolated environment to one that is empowered and healthy and can also make referrals to other local support agencies.

The coordinator provides outreach services and staff assist clients with: finding secure housing, transportation to appointments, and coordinate when needed with a variety of community service providers (substance use and mental health counsellors; legal, medical, educational and early childhood supports; advocacy; employment services).


Activities include: yoga, art, beading, crafts, music, pottery, glass blowing and a number of varied activities. Get in touch to get the latest schedule of activities.

Sign up:

Moving Forward is funded solely through grants and donations. The program is open to in-house clients and to any woman in Revelstoke who feels she could benefit from these services. Please get in touch if you would like to attend or are in need of services.

Contact details. To get involved email: or text/call the coordinator: 250-814-8387

FREE COUNSELLING! Our in-house counsellors are now available to provide up to 10 free sessions for Moving Forward participants.

Reaching out with yoga

Trauma Informed Yoga Practice

A regular event on the Moving Forward calendar this style of yoga, created from a five-year research project, is customized for clients who have experienced violence and abuse.

Revelstoke yoga teachers trained in trauma-informed yoga teach our classes.

This is a collaborative project from the BC Society of Transition Houses and Yoga Outreach, a non-profit organization.

Classes: Yoga – Mondays at, senior yoga classes – Tuesday at the Senior’s Centre @ 1:00 pm.

Healing through creativity

Art as therapy

Our art program provides women with a safe space to socialize, explore their creativity, and build confidence as they build their artistic skills.

We primarily focus on watercolour painting for two hours every week, in a cosy environment. 

We have found some women express themselves through art but do not feel confident participating in more public groups. For these women, we provide a bridge to artistic groups and galleries in our community.

Power of Play

Music and Community

Our music program provides an enjoyable space for women to sing and learn to play various instruments. The women who choose to play an instrument learn basic music theory that helps them play songs on their own.

Coordinator - Adria

“I have always had a passion for helping people, and I desire to make a difference in the world, and for the people around me.”

Born and raised in Revelstoke, Adria returned in 2020 after being away for 20+ years.

Her previous work at Vancouver’s Union Gospel Mission (UGM) Women and Families Centre informs her work here at the Revelstoke Women’s Shelter Society. For 11 years, Adria lived in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside in a community house with 12 roommates, working together and ministering in the neighbourhood.

Women came to the UGM centre (on Cordova and Princess) for assistance and staff did what they could to meet their needs and support them in their situation. They dealt with homelessness and addiction, they supported single dads, they organised transport out of dangerous situations, paid rent so clients didn’t lose their housing, and many other crisis situations. They were a small team of three outreach workers and a manager. For Adria, outreach activities were a favorite part of her job.

Adria says she brings the outlook of the Union Gospel Mission to her work here at the Revelstoke Women’s Shelter Society. This outlook, as stated on their website is, “…meeting people wherever they’re at and helping restore lives by providing for their whole needs. Whether that’s through a nourishing meal and a safe shelter, or addiction recovery and supportive housing, our compassionate continuum of care is designed to bring deep healing and build bright futures.”

Adria’s vision is to create a strong sense of community within the women who live in Revelstoke. “I understand the importance of supporting women who are struggling and need tangible support, as well as emotional and relational connection in response to loneliness and isolation and creating a sense of belonging.”

“I also understand the importance of women in every walk of life connecting so that the ones that have a need can be directly helped by the ones who might have the resources available to meet a need, emotionally and relationally.”

Mentoring and Support 24/7

Wrap around care

Feeling isolated or in need of support? Contact us anytime — our door is always open. Through this program you will get access to support services and a social calendar.
Email: or text/call the coordinator: 250-814-8387

Contact us form

During the pandemic we made a Virtually Together Physically Apart cookbook, a collection of simple and easy recipes from staff, clients and more! Download here